Geekville Podcast: Suicide Squad Review, Arrowverse News, and Oh Yeah A Rogue One Trailer!

Image copyright Warnoer Bros.
Image copyright Warnoer Bros.

A jam packed, news filled show this week that kicks off with analysis of the new Rogue One trailer. A ton of news on the Arrowverse from the TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour including DOLPH LUNDGREN in Arrow Season 5, another Flash and Supergirl crossover, and Kevin Smith directing both Flash and Supergirl in the 2016-2017 season. The main segment of the show focuses on a thorough (that means SPOILERS) review of the mega successful and controversial Suicide Squad film!

All this and more in another fun filled Geekville Podcast!

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Theme Music: “Adventure Meme” and “Cyborg Ninja”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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