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Messages - RealMarchHare

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 92
Wrestling & MMA / Re: Heads up - Site Transfer
« on: May 18, 2021, 07:17:57 AM »
They do not

Wrestling & MMA / Re: Jericho and MJF duet
« on: October 22, 2020, 06:13:54 PM »
The Woman and I thought it was genius and perfect.  These two and the story going between the two is the best thing in Wrestling right now if you ask us

Wrestling & MMA / Re: The Rock just announced on Instagram
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:35:59 AM »
I think the XFL is honestly a great idea as long as it has the right people behind it to lead and design it.  That was never Vince McMahon though.  He could have the most talented team to create a great product and it wouldn't matter because at the end of the day it's what Vince says or nothing.  The Rock on the other hand I don't see having that level of ego and if he assembles the right team I believe he could make it work

General Discussion / Re: How is everybody doing?
« on: July 23, 2020, 06:03:14 PM »
I guess we'll find out. Lots of conflicting information being bandied about - the reporting has been pretty unreliable. One question I'd have - if the human body can't retain anti-bodies from a previous infection, what does that portend for an effective vaccine?

That's what I've been wondering myself.  I do have knowledge of some people getting COVID-19, recovering, and then ending up getting it again.  It's really looking more and more like this shit is here to stay til the US either wipes itself out or finally pulls it's head out of it's ass and treat this like we should have been from the start

General Discussion / Re: How is everybody doing?
« on: July 22, 2020, 09:28:55 PM »
Been in the office, on full salary, every single day (we're considered an essential business and getting one of those PPP loans). Show business basically shut down, but slowly coming back.
Not sure how to feel about people flouting mask protocols. Partly annoyed they're trying to kill all of us, but also feeling every new infection brings us that much closer to herd immunity.

Last I heard the studies are saying herd immunity won't be possible.  Apparently according to studies in Spain the human body doesn't even retain anitbodies as those previously infected and tested for anti-bodies no longer had them after a follow up test 2-3 weeks later  :dash_mini:

General Discussion / Re: How is everybody doing?
« on: July 22, 2020, 04:49:59 PM »
Drained and tired all the time.  Been able to work the whole time as my industry wasn't shut down by COVID-19 and I was already working from home so that didn't do much to me.  Just dealing with all the idiots who don't believe/understand what's going on.  Unfortunately I live with and work with a lot of them so I never get a break from it :sad_mini:

Wrestling & MMA / Re: Most profitable Wrestlemania ever
« on: April 08, 2020, 10:38:47 AM »
They should have been billed as WWE 2K matches, and each guy had 4 finishers "saved up" and it was a finisher/signature only match.  :biggrin_mini2:

But then they'd need to somehow get one to start randomly levitating, the ring ropes to shake out of control even when nobodies touching them, a face to slough off, and finally somebody to just super slide along the ring mat in a circles

Wrestling & MMA / Re: AEW Revolution
« on: March 04, 2020, 06:26:26 PM »
My match of the night was probably the Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevarro match.  Match actually made my Woman a fan of Darby's

Wrestling & MMA / Re: AEW Revolution
« on: March 02, 2020, 07:18:57 PM »
Man, they Orange Cassidy vs. Pac match was way better than I ever dreamed it would be.  Good job on Pac for working Cassidy's comedy but still making it look like a solid wrestling match.

I wondered how much of Cassidy's shtick they would kill. 

This was great booking for these two wrestlers.

Was easily my third or fourth favorite match of the night.  Was cool seeing Cassidy actually wrestle a little and seeing PAC get a little comedic as well.  They mixed together so well

Wrestling & MMA / Re: AEW Revolution
« on: February 29, 2020, 10:28:41 PM »
MJF comes out with an almost Trump level of a horrendous spray tan.  He is definitely more orange than bronze   :laugh_mini:

Wrestling & MMA / Re: AEW Revolution
« on: February 29, 2020, 10:27:19 PM »
Started the show late.  Just starting the Cody vs MJF fight.  Been solid so far, though, despite being a fan of The Elite I felt that Tag Title Match went FAR to long with to many big move near falls.  I did skip the Women's Title Match though to try and catch up some as I don't care about either of those women.  The women's wrestling scene is definitely one area that WWE still has the advantage in

General Discussion / Re: Better Call Saul (Season 4)
« on: February 20, 2020, 03:09:24 PM »
I know this is an old topic but I just watched through all of Season 4 finally now that it's on Netflix.  As one of you stated this show is definetely better to binge.  I don't think I'd have kept up with this season on a weekly basis.  It felt less engaging and interesting than the previous 3.  I feel part of the problem is it is trying to split to little time between to many storylines.  You have the Jimmy story, the Mike story, the Gus story, the Kim story, and now the Nacho/Salamanca story.  That's a lot of different plots to keep up with in an hour episode.

Nacho was also one of my favorite characters and was loving what was going on at the start of this season but it just disappears.  He's hardly in the show after the first few episodes other than to just stand there and make faces.

Jimmy is easily the least interesting in this season as somebody said.  Kim is getting annoying as well.  How is she still putting up with his bullshit?   Though the end of the season dropped hints she is about done.

Mike, as usual, is the best part.  I love how he just does what he wants for the most part no matter what anyone, including Gus, say.

General Discussion / Re: The Mandalorian (2019)
« on: November 17, 2019, 08:38:22 AM »
Was fantastic.  You can definitely go in cold as long as you know The Empire fell since it's post Return of the Jedi but pre The Force Awakens.  I think the only thing that might help a little is knowing who/what The Mandalorian's are and their way of life was before The Clone Wars as it is drawing heavy inspiration from The Old Republic era almost to the point if feels like it's ignoring the Clone Wars Era Mandalorians despite them being canon and The Old Republic era not.  Also at times it reminded me of the Boba Fett novel series that came out years ago, like almost 2 decades ago, that tell his story post Return of the Jedi.

Also, I noticed the walk seemed funky too.  I thought it was going to end up revealing that The Mandalorian was female and just using a vocalizer to make them sound like a male but not sure given the clear PTSD flashback like sequence.  Maybe it's just the armor is hard to walk in for the actor though *shrug*

Wrestling & MMA / Re: WWE/Saudi blood shows
« on: November 03, 2019, 07:21:33 PM »
He just ABANDONED a good chunk of the roster after pulling the feed to them?!  That was fucking stupid of him.  Good way to put his employees, I'm sorry I meant "exclusive contractors", at risk

Wrestling & MMA / Re: Lacey Evans stopped by RCMP in Edmonton
« on: September 23, 2019, 12:17:02 PM »
Welp WWE has to make a decision.  Continue to push their new star or bury her for awhile

General Discussion / Re: Stranger things 3
« on: July 26, 2019, 09:45:44 PM »
I had never seen a single episode until about 4 weeks ago, and now I've seen the whole thing.  Got to say it wasn't quite what I thought it was (for some reason, I expected something akin to American Horror Story), but I enjoyed it very much!  The 80s vibe was great of course, and honestly the acting was quite good especially for children.

Same here.  Literally just binged it all over the course of this week.  I've seen the joke that this is just X-Files for people who liked The Goonies and I disagree.  This is literally just The Goonies but with monsters.

I was really shocked by how good all the children are.  Dustin and Steve being particular favorites.  Loved the expectation subversion on the Steve character.  Also this I think is the first Netflix show where they have successfully made me like every single character you are supposed to.  There wasn't a single character I was annoyed by their presence in the show.  Also great job on villains as well.  They're well built and easily hated.  The scientist in Season 2 was also a really well done expectation subversion in that they actually gave a shit and cared about the town and kids.

This season also has to have what I think is one of the funniest moments in cinematic history with the obtaining of Planck's Constant.  Was in tears laughing at that sequence of events

Geekville / Re: Capt. Picard to get new series!
« on: July 21, 2019, 01:44:15 PM »
Hot damn that looks good and might actually get me to sign up for their service

I think if we leave the wokies in charge for long enough, they may attempt to do away with the POA entirely. Which I'm actually fine with. Loyalty pledges are useless and creepy.

It occurs to me now that there are two spoken word incantations from my youth that I can still recite perfectly, some 25 years after I last said them aloud. One is the Pledge of Allegiance. The other is the Our Father.

Yep.  Gotta love forced indoctrination

Do you think there's any chance that gets updated? Recently here we changed the Canadian national anthem to modify the line "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command" to be more gender-inclusive.

There is also a line "God keep our land glorious and free" and I've heard there's rumblings about changing that as well so as to be religion agnostic.



Yep that's how I know it

Geekville / Re: Supergirl (CBS)
« on: July 02, 2019, 08:38:25 AM »
Watching Supernatural and saw a commercial for Supergirl. Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor makes me glad I quit watching

He was actually a pretty good Lex.  Biggest issue is while he played the part personality and mannerism extremely well you were still looking at Jon Cryer.

Wrestling & MMA / Re: Super Shodown
« on: June 10, 2019, 12:19:06 PM »
All the reviews are ripping it apart from what I've seen.  Does it shock you though when it's a show specifically put together for the Saudi Govt and basically booked by them?

Wrestling & MMA / Re: John Oliver takes a swing at Vince
« on: April 17, 2019, 06:26:08 PM »
WWE stock has gone up every business day (12) since this HBO segment.

I'd say that's nuts and the opposite of what you'd expect to happen if it wasn't for the fact Wrestlemania was happening/happened

Geekville / Re: Star Wars Episode IX Trailer
« on: April 13, 2019, 11:24:45 AM »
Not gonna lie my reaction to this was


General Discussion / Re: Captain Marvel (2019)
« on: April 11, 2019, 07:22:03 PM »
Finally saw it the other day.  Two things stuck out to me:

1) Last we knew Howard Stark had the Tesseract and then S.H.I.E.L.D. had it at start of The Avengers so this whole time it was safe to assume he gave it to them.  So how in between those events did Mar-Vell get her hands on it?

2) Bold move to turn the Skrulls into sympathetic characters.  Not just sympathetic but not even villains at that

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