I'm going to tell you all this, spoiler free, and I hope you listen, and it at least makes you sway before you purchase..
Okay, yes I have it.. No it isn't out to the public yet.. I am about 2/3rds of the way through the game.. The problem??
I have around 2.5 hours of playtime on it. No joke the game is around 4 to 4.5 hours long. Unacceptable.
I won't spoil the plot, but there's not a lot to spoil. But I will say this, as far as I can see, you are a clone. Your big issue is finding the girl who was your pilot in the first game.. You start on Geonosis, you go to Kato Demoian(which is where the big battle in Attack of the Clones took place when Anakin and Padme tried to rescue Obi Wan).. You are on Dagobah for about 30 seconds for a quick chat with Yoda... You don't fight or do anything there... Now I'm on a Rebel Ship... The Rebel ship is headed for Darth Vader..
I thought something was up when there was a conversation about how "you know Darth Vader is setting a trap for you, right?".. I thought to myself, "wait a minute, I've only been playing for a couple of hours, why the fuck does this look like the final epic battle??".. So I couldn't resist and looked up info from other people who have an advance copy of the game ;-p
Turns out I *AM* headed for the final battle. The game is confirmed about 4.5 hours long. What is there is good, but there's no fucking way this should be a full fledged release... This is DLC at best.. It's truly sad. Don't bother, seriously, when the game comes out, wait a few days, and watch a youtube of the cutscenes. I would be REALLY pissed if I paid $60 for this.. Not because the game is bad, but because it's a $60 game that's barely longer than a Star Wars movie.