X-Men Apocalypse is good if you're not a huge fan of the comics, and if you have no expectations. In a way, Apocalypse suffered more from the fact that the previous 2 movies were so much better.
I saw Doctor Strange and I gotta say, I was no more than satisfied. It was visually stunning, and the action scenes were handled competently. But everything else felt flat for me. Most of the humour was bland and predictable, and actually detracted from the movie. Aside from Tilda Swinton, I found the performances to be average. The villain, whose name I never quite understood, was as forgettable as his name, with no clear motivations for his actions or any actual character development. He is literally "Generic Villain #12" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I found the progression of Dr. Strange's abilities to be somewhat silly as well. There is no clear indication of how long he was actually training in the mystic arts, and at first his training goes slowly like all montage scenes. But there is a point where there is a sudden leap in his skills, and it's unclear whether that represented a significant passage of time, or a convenient sort of "he's the chosen one" cliche, like what happened with Rey in the Force Awakens. Like SCB said, this portion of the movie seemed rushed. Some more time spent in the monastery with Strange learning and practicing new spells would have been nice. Along with some more backstory on the villain, either through flashbacks or conversations with Mordo.
My overall impression is that outside of the visual effects budget, this was Disney phoning it in with their standard superhero formula. No risks were taken, and nothing new or memorable was introduced. I enjoyed it, but I know that it could have been so much more.