Yeah, what Tom said, lol.
I want you to do your fucking job and quite playing fucking favorites just to be fucking popular. Less Eric Fucking Bischoff, more Vince Fucking McMahon. This isn't fucking high school. FUCK!
I would LOVE for you to tell me who I'm favoring on this board. I like pretty much everyone here. Well, bryce is a douche. I've said out in public that bryce is on his last leg. Webweaver is a cvnt hair away from a time out. I'm always watching Pebble.
I'm not here to be popular. I probably scored a bunch of brownie points for keeping the board alive, but they're not infinite (although, huge ups to FATSEXY for POTY!). If I'm a douche on the boards, I expect that the people here will either neg rep me appropriately for it, or outright call me on it and say it to my (virtual) face.
You earn your reputation (literally, not post neg) with every post you make and every word you type. You, it seems, are having problems with that.
I would like for you to explain to me that how me giving you a time out - after having repeatedly requesting from you in PM's that you stop deliberately responding to posters with weight attacks and other personal comments, to which you repeatedly ignored by continuing to post in that manner, and PM'ing me and emailing me that you were right - is in any way, shape, or form playing favorites around here.
Others on the board can attest to me sending them PM's about individual posts or patterns. You're not the only one. Of course, you wouldn't know that, so of course you think I'm playing favorites, but then again, it's none of your fucking business.
That being said, you're pissing me (and everyone else) off extremely, so I'll be a man and say straight up that you're at the very least under a microscope.
I've explained how posts work in the politics forum multiple times, and allow some leeway there. You, however, have taken it all over the board, and to many different posters, not just the ones that tend to be vocal and opinionated. Even in the politics forum, I've publicly warned Web to knock the shit off. People are reporting posts and letting me know about stuff that bugs them, so I'm taking (what I believe is) appropriate action. It must be acceptable to everyone else, since no one else on the board seems to have a problem with it, except for you.
So, if you haven't noticed, *you* seem to be the common denominator. And, quite frankly, I don't take criticism about the way I do things around here well, when it comes from someone who's been acting the way you have over the past couple weeks.
You're acting like a douche and then pissing and moaning when you get called on it.
So here's the way it is. You've got a choice to make.
Stop whining about reps. Stop being a petulant child. Stop being a victim. Follow the rules. Contribute something at least marginally meaningful.
If you can't do that, then I suggest you walk away, and I will disable your account. If you continue to conduct yourself the way you are now doing, I am going to swing the mighty BANHAMMER~! and you will be done. Permanently.
It's your call. And I expect this to be the last time I have to say it. If I have to say it again, you won't be around to hear it.