This is something I've been thinking of for some time, and tonight I decided I needed to say something about Xavier Storm.
Back in the day we got along, I'd even say we were what passed on the internet for friends. I once gave him a credit on an earlier iteration of the site that said "He's smarter than you think he is" - and he was touched
Then a certain Brit joined the site and something started bugging me. I felt he changed. He actually pointed out to me once that his best friend (who I have never had anything but affection for) never noticed it so how could it be true.
In retrospect, maybe I was blaming him for someone else's actions. Maybe I was aggravated about something else and blamed it on him. Regardless, whether I liked him or not, whether he changed or not, the fact is I treated him badly. I hate to admit it, but in this instance, I was the douchebag
Let me be clear, I don't expect forgiveness, or that we'll be buddies again, or even that he'll unblock me on facebook. But when you realize you've been an ass the best thing is to own up to it and apologize (And no I'm not doing any fucking steps. In fact I've had a few shots )
I don't even know if Stan still posts on here. Maybe it will make him feel good to read this, so if someone could point him to it, I would appreciate it.
That's all.