I got a Wii U at Christmas.
It balls nasty.
Zombi U is great and makes me shit myself
Mario 3d is amazing, just so much fun
NSMB is lovely too. It's great for young kids, they can tap on the screen while adults play.
Wind Waker is gorgeous. Love it,
The Wonderful 101: AMAZING But balls nasty.
If I were to resuscitate the console I'd do this:
Massive advertising campaign, possibly with a name change to spell out that this is not an addon for the Wii. Load of people I know don't actually get that. Shitty initial marketing from Nintendo.
Bundle Super Mario 3d with it. It's a system seller if people get their hands on it.
Make a sku without the pad. I like the pad but apparently it's too expensive.
Advertise the games and give solid release dates. Make them far away and move them forward if they're done early. But people don't know when stuff is coming out, which is annoying.
Fix the virtual console so the games I bought on my wii from a few years ago can be downloaded on this one.
Get more games on the virtual console
Suck off developers to get other games for download. Point and click adventures like Broken Sword. Things like that. Get Double Fine in, and Mojang. Just blow anyone.
Make a Zelda that's a proper Zelda. make it shiny and HD
For me the big problem it has is the network infrastructure. It's cutesy without being useful. I've got no games I can play online against anyone else, and no online friends. Granted, no one else I know has one but still.
I like the console itself, I'm just amazed Nintendo were so bad at supporting it.