Wrestlemania 31 is in the history books, and here is the full rundown
Tyson Kidd & Cesaro (w/Natalya) d. The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E), Los Matadores (Diego & Fernando w/El Torito), and The Usos (Jimmy & Jey w/Naomi) when Cesaro pinned Big E. Jimmy actually hit a to rope splash following a Tower Of Doom spot, but Cesaro tagged himself in when Jimmy jumped. Kidd & Cesaro retain the titles.
The Big Show won the 30 Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, last eliminating Mizdow. This was originally advertised as a 20 Man Battle Royal, but 10 men were added. Other entrants included Adam Rose, Curtis Axel, Darren Young, Erick Rowan, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Hideo Itami, Jack Swagger, Kane, Konnor, Mark Henry, Miz, Ryback, Sin Cara, Titus O’Neil, Viktor, Zack Ryder. Newly added entrants included Alex Riley, Los Matadores, The New Day, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro, Bo Dallas, & Jimmy Uso. Mix & Mizdow broke up for what seemed like the 47th time.
Daniel Bryan d. Bad News Barrett, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Luke Harper, R-Truth & Stardust in a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title. Daniel Bryan is the new Intercontinental Champion.
Randy Orton d. Seth Rollins after two RKOs.
HHH d. Sting after interference from Degeneration X and The NWO. HHH hit Sting with a broken sledgehammer head for the win. HHH extended a handshake to Sting, which Sting accepted.
AJ Lee & Paige d. The Bella Twins when AJ Lee made Nikki submit to the Black Widow.
John Cena d. Rusev with the AA. John Cena is now the new US Champion.
The Undertaker d. Bray Wyatt with a second Tombstone Piledriver.
In the Main Event, Seth Rollins d. Brock Lesnar & Roman Reigns after hitting Reigns with a Curbstomp. You read that correctly. Seth Rollins is the WWE World Heavyweight champion. Rollins interjected himself by cashing in his briefcase after both Reigns and Lesnar had beaten each other down.