Wow. 25 already. Quarter of the way to 100. Seemed like yesterday we had the original Tony who cursed up a storm on the first show or when Jarret ran off the other Tony in their discussion of wrestling inebriated or when we hit our stride as a show when we had George join on. It's been a fun ride and we're going to continue that ride.
"License To Podcast"
1. News of the Day (RAW talk)
2. Prime Cut(s)
3. Thread of the Week
4. Tech Review for Jarret
5. Shooting the 'ish
You can be a part of the show, just have Skype, and let us know here so we can add you to the chat. It's going to be another fun show. Don't have Skype or can't come on at the time we record, call the voicemail and tell us your thoughts.
Voicemail: 206-338-2228