Author Topic: Remember Freedom Force?  (Read 591 times)

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Remember Freedom Force?
« on: February 29, 2012, 02:59:49 AM »
Just played a little, and it feels hopelessly dated compared to those Marvel games, like Ultimate Alliance II or Xmen II.

With the Marvel games, you controlled one of four characters in a RTS kind of style, and could switch seamlessly between each of them, and the ones you didn't control were guided by an AI.  But in Freedom Force, you have to micromanage all four characters under your control.  If you tell a character to, say, punch someone, one they finish off whoever they're fighting, they'll just sit there like idiots until you tell them to attack someone else.  Even if they're being attacked, they won't fight back.  Worse, they won't even spam ranged attacks, they're merely execute them once and than resume sitting there.

And even other little things add up, like how you need to scroll the screen to keep up with your characters, instead of the screen automatically following the team..

This makes it pretty tedious, at least after playing something that the aforementioned Marvel games, which are so much more polished..

But damn if it wasn't one of the most modded games out there.  I still enjoy playing The Great Hunt which combined Marvel, DC, and movie characters in one story...  Their Transformers meshes were spectacular, even including transformations, and they had stuff from virtually every genre from anime to movies to comics..  It had a very strong modding community back in the day, and it's a shame that's all over now.

Still, I guess there's too many better options for comic book fun now, like the three big comic book based MMORPG's out there...
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 03:02:09 AM by DocSavage »