He does he's just a piss poor troll.
Troll with learning disability has been his gimmick for years. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But we love him no matter what
Thanks man. I think.
I'm cross trolling.
I really do legitimately have issue with CM Punk being the #1 wrestler in the world, but I don't watch enough wrestling to know who else is great out there. I did think that Bryan blew him away in their short Cruiser style match on Raw not that long ago.
From what limited stuff I watch(pretty much just Raw), I'd say that DB was the best in the WWE if you're talking purely actual fake grapple ability. That's as far as my rassle watching goes. I'd say Ziggler was a close #2. His selling is so Mr. Perfect levels, maybe even better (hear me out) simply because he sells in a cartoonish way but it still looks good. It's kind of like The Rock or Hall selling a Stunner, it was corny as hell, but it made you get into the move for that split second before the bitter internet wrestling fan took over and you started to think about how overselling hurts the feel... know what I mean?
But Cena is the #1 overall package. I don't think anyone else could have pulled off the Mania thing with The Rock, I don't think anyone else would have had the impact if they did the Brock thing.
Oh, the cross trolling was me messing with TH about his MOTY thread taking a while.