THANK YOU Daniel Bryan and a massive FUCK YOU to Vince McMahon, WWE and WWE Creative.
It's great that Bryan was given an opportunity to be in the WWE and it's wonderful that he is grateful for that. I admire him for that tremendously.
But I can't help to feel angry at Vince McMahon and his fixation on a 'wrestler's size' and their 'look.' The entire time that Daniel Bryan wrestled for WWE, he had the legs cut out from under him. Not to mention getting buried on TV weekly by the announcers until the crowds' reactions were more than they could ignore and getting buried by HHH and Stephanie. Creative didn't seem to know what to do with him either so they pair him with Kane and he succeeded despite their best efforts.
This should be a wake up call to the WWE and creative -- when you get a wrestler that crowds seem to be getting behind and people actually pay money to see, don't push Roman Reigns or Sheamus or Ryback or any of the 'wrestlers' that Vince McMahon think are great.
In a perfect world, Daniel Bryan would be WWE champion right now and he would be feuding with CM Punk, Cesaro, KENTA and Samoa Joe. WWE would realize they need to be about wrestling, not entertainment since they can barely do entertainment that well anyway.
At the same time, Daniel Bryan really didn't do himself any favors with his style but I will be very happy that he had his chance. Just not sure I'll watch or follow the WWE anymore because they'll continue to make the same boneheaded mistakes.