My bread and butter game has been Persona 4 lately. But a friend got me a gift card to a new game shop in town called Game Xchange, or Game Change or something. It has stuff for nearly every system ever made, all the way back to the Atari 2600 era, and I'm all for alternatives to Gamestop, so stopped by today. Picked up Dead of Alive 3 for the Xbox, and Gottelieb collection for the PS2.
The pinball game is alright, but DOA3 is fantastic. Even the visuals are impressive, considering it's a last gen game, with the somewhat choppy fmv's showing their age more then the graphics engine (And personally, I think the visuals from last gen to this gen are more of a bunny hop anyways, vs the giant leap from PS1 to PS2/Xbox.)
Only thing, is it seems you can't change settings in arcade mode. Everythings 1 round, infinite time limit, and changing the settings only works for tag modes and other non story modes.. (Tag mode is especially fun. Fast paced, and I'm actually enjoying it more then tag based games like Marvel vs Capcom at the moment..)