I recommend this series to people, but tell them to skip the first episode. I thought the first episode was hilarious. I would have made a show out of the whole ordeal. Just me talkin' here.
It's so brilliant. This whole show is just brilliant. It's good to see Actual Jesse from Breaking Bad and McPoyle from Always Sunny get to have serious roles (and together!).
Lots of big names.
Red Dress from Captain America is here, and her miraculous boobs are on full display. Well, in a bra.
The show is amazing. San Juniperno... my gosh. Plus, I haven't looked it up yet, but I would bet money that Clint Mansell has contributed music to the show. If not, someone did a spot on impression of him.
I even sing that song to myself sometimes... that 15 Million Credits song that they replay throughout. That is a brutal, brutal episode.