Lack of many objective online reviews for economical/accessible stuff.
I blame this on snobs being the ones to usually spam opinions, and they usually shun anything that's cheap or accessible. I'm talking anything from Gremlin's 2, the New Batch or Swamp Thing Returns to Wal-Mart "great value" coffee.
Seriously, why is it everybody on the internet acts like a Yale literature professor? Everyone's the cultured "expert", and all the average joes with moderate "sensible" tastes are nowhere to be found.. Kind of like this one business man named Dirk Goss in James Clavell's novel "Noble House", who requested a beer with pasta and was looked down upon by a prospective partner. Untill much later, he displayed an extensive knowledge of wines. Much to the other guys surprise, to the point of asking incredulously, "If you know so much about wine, why do you drink beer".
So it's kind of like that. Zero moderate views, everything at the fringes.